Why Join Us

  • • Unlimited stock support at little investment
  • • No need of stock holding
  • • No dead stock head-ache
  • • No mutual price war because of, no direct deal with unauthorized dealer
  • • Cheapest rate at your door-step.
  • • No misbranding tension, like local wholesaler of your area.
  • • Multiple additional benefits than other at just little bit of investment like-
            1:CD (Cash Discount)
            2:Credit Limit
            3:TOD ( Turn over discount)
            4:LTI( Life time incentive) passive income
            5:Free Business Tour
            6:Full digital access support
  • • Digital catalogue
  • • Digital stock/ inventory support
  • • Digital branding / profile management
  • • 100% Payment security / Refund policy
  • • FREE business training/sale/marketing support.

Join Us Via Warehouse Model


Warehouse Model (CNF Model) :-

In this model Company deals in Top 20 brands (10 tiles and 10 sanitary ware). PREMIUM CERAMICS PVT LTD is the world 1st Company which provides such types of model only to develop the more entrepreneurship in the world. Company has its own manufacturing units In MORBI-GUJARAT, RAJASTHAN, U.P., ANDHRA PRADESH and Quality manufacturer of WALL tiles, Floor tiles and also Exporting in Multiple European and Asian countries. Company vision is clear to WIN- WIN model and Make India A new AATMNIRBHAR BHARAT. And we are going through to accomplish it by following methods only required your support and love and consistence dedication, we are with you all forever …………

Facilities :-

  1. 1. BEST RATES.
  3. 3. Full ownership hold.
  4. 4. 5% TSD (Turn Sales Discount).
  5. 5. 1% RB (Referral Life Time Bonus).
  6. 6. Area rent, staff, electricity to be paid by company.

Retail Model :-

A. FOCO MODEL (Franchise Owned Company Operated)-   In this model franchise will be owner of company ,and Company will operate unit with his own staffs and management team And in the end of the month franchise owner will get desired amount of (Percentage profit share of total monthly sale + room rent+ electricity ). So if you have MONEY to invest but, you are new and No business idea about Tiles, marbles ,sanitary wares and you have no time to manage the business, and if you do not want to loose your money. Then FOCO MODEL is best choice for you . This is totally win-win model. Your invested money is safe it is totally profit making model all risk and liabilities will be of company side ,and here you will get only profit and profit.

        AREA = 1000- 10000 SQF
        INVESTMENT = 3500/ SQF (07 year REFUNDABLE)
        MONTHLY PROFIT (%)= 10 % (Total monthly turn over)
        SHOWROOM RENT = (10-40)/SQF as per area and city
        ELECTRICITY = As per actual Govt. Norms
        REFERAL BONUS = 15000/ New Franchise
        Life Time share profit = (1% ) of Total Turn over of Referred Franchise


Join Us Via Franchise Model


Hub and Spoke Model :-

If you have no more money and you want to start business of world fastest growing industry (ceramics tiles and sanitary ware) then no need to worry about, PREMIUM CERAMICS has launched his model of Ease of doing business through CENTRALIZED WARE HOUSE MODEL. Through this model company will establish its own ware house in radius of (40- 50 KM) and provide material at affordable price to its Authorized dealers/franchise without any investment so that you can grow your business without any hurdle of big capital investment. Though this model you can save your godown expenses, scrap expenses, dead stock expenses and many more unnecessary expenses that reduces your profit. So do not wait hurry up !!!!!!!

Lets start your journey with us and boost up your sale and give a J-CURVE to your business.


Want Help For New Startup


If you are New Startup and you have no money to start a business. Our company has taken big initiatives for you to generates more and more entrepreneurships in India in next future. Company will provide Quick business Loan at easy documentation process in (Easy Monthly Investment) EMI.

Loan Application